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Курс показывает построение приложения на базе React/Redux/npm/Babel/etc Lectures - 111 Contents Video: 14 hours Other: 8.5 hours Languages English Course Description This is the tutorial you've been looking for to master modern web development with React. Redux? We got it. ES6/Babel? Covered. Webpack? Included! Mastering React and Redux can get you a position in web development or help you build that personal project you've been dreaming of. It's a skill that will put you more in demand in the modern web development industry, especially with the release of Redux and ReactNative. This course will get you up and running quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React components and structure applications with Redux. We'll start by mastering the fundamentals of React, including JSX, “props", “state", and eventing. Source code is provided for each lecture, so you will always stay up-to-date with the course pacing. After an introduction to React, we'll dive right in to Redux, covering topics like reducers, actions, and the state tree. If you are new to React and Redux, or if you've been working to learn it but sometimes feel like you still don't quite 'get it', this is the React course for you! To learn React you have to understand it. Learn how to use React's custom markup language, JSX, to clean up your Javascript code Master the process of breaking down a complex component into many smaller, interchangeable components Grasp the difference between “props" and “state" and when to use each Develop complex applications that scale in complexity by mastering Redux Dive deeper into Redux by using middlewares. No fancy terms required! I've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning React and Redux. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them. Full details What are the requirements? A Mac or PC What am I going to get from this course? Build amazing single page applications with React JS and Redux Master fundamental concepts behind structuring Redux applications Realize the power of building composable components Be the engineer who explains how Redux works to everyone else, because you know the fundamentals so well Become fluent in the toolchain supporting React, including NPM, Webpack, Babel, and ES6/ES2015 Javascript syntax Full details What is the target audience? Programmers looking to learn React Developers who want to grow out of just using jQuery Engineers who have researched React but have had trouble mastering some concepts Содержание Curriculum Section 1: An Intro to React Lecture 1 Introduction - Github Links for Project Files! Preview 03:38 Lecture 2 Completed Projects - Github Links Article Lecture 3 The Purpose of Boilerplate Projects Preview 03:42 Lecture 4 Environment Setup Preview 01:45 Lecture 5 Project Setup Preview 02:53 Lecture 6 A Taste of JSX 11:29 Lecture 7 More on JSX 04:35 Lecture 8 ES6 Import Statements 03:59 Lecture 9 ReactDOM vs React 02:26 Lecture 10 Differences Between Component Instances and Component Classes 03:38 Lecture 11 Render Targets 05:53 Lecture 12 Component Structure 06:26 Lecture 13 Youtube Search API Signup 06:39 Lecture 14 Export Statements 08:40 Lecture 15 Class-Based Components 08:11 Lecture 16 Handling User Events 09:30 Lecture 17 Introduction to State 05:13 Lecture 18 More on State 06:04 Lecture 19 Controlled Components 07:47 Lecture 20 Breather and Review 03:37 Section 2: Ajax Requests with React Lecture 21 Youtube Search Response 04:26 Lecture 22 Refactoring Functional Components to Class Components 07:43 Lecture 23 Props 07:42 Lecture 24 Building Lists with Map 07:06 Lecture 25 List Item Keys 03:54 Lecture 26 Video List Items 07:53 Lecture 27 Detail Component and Template Strings 07:05 Lecture 28 Handling Null Props 04:41 Lecture 29 Video Selection 11:39 Lecture 30 Styling with CSS 03:43 Lecture 31 Searching for Videos 07:51 Lecture 32 Throttling Search Term Input 05:46 Lecture 33 React Wrapup 05:24 Section 3: Modeling Application State Lecture 34 Foreword on Redux 02:16 Lecture 35 What is Redux? 02:45 Lecture 36 More on Redux 03:42 Lecture 37 Even More on Redux! 04:19 Section 4: Managing App State with Redux Lecture 38 Reducers 07:43 Lecture 39 Containers - Connecting Redux to React 07:23 Lecture 40 Containers Continued 04:00 Lecture 41 Implementation of a Container Class 10:46 Lecture 42 Containers and Reducers Review 04:09 Lecture 43 Actions and Action Creators 07:31 Lecture 44 Binding Action Creators 09:41 Lecture 45 Creating an Action 06:45 Lecture 46 Consuming Actions in Reducers 07:16 Lecture 47 Consuming Actions in Reducers Continued 05:05 Lecture 48 Conditional Rendering 06:38 Lecture 49 Reducers and Actions Review 05:02 Section 5: Intermediate Redux: Middleware Lecture 50 App Overview and Planning 05:10 Lecture 51 Component Setup 07:57 Lecture 52 Controlled Components and Binding Context 09:56 Lecture 53 Form Elements in React 06:28 Lecture 54 Working with API's 08:12 Lecture 55 Introduction to Middleware 07:27 Lecture 56 Ajax Requests with Axios 13:03 Lecture 57 Redux-Promise in Practice 10:15 Lecture 58 Redux-Promise Continued 10:55 Lecture 59 Avoiding State Mutations in Reducers 09:53 Lecture 60 Building a List Container 06:54 Lecture 61 Mapping Props to a Render Helper 06:07 Lecture 62 Adding Sparkline Charts 09:55 Lecture 63 Making a Reusable Chart Component 06:00 Lecture 64 Labeling of Units 10:37 Lecture 65 Google Maps Integration 13:02 Lecture 66 Google Maps Integration Continued 06:06 Lecture 67 Project Review 04:59 Section 6: React Router + Redux Form Lecture 68 App Overview and Goals 06:49 Lecture 69 Exploring the Posts Api 13:26 Lecture 70 Installing React Router 02:35 Lecture 71 React Router - What is It? 05:33 Lecture 72 Setting Up React Router 04:39 Lecture 73 Route Configuration 05:16 Lecture 74 Nesting Of Routes 08:02 Lecture 75 IndexRoutes with React Router 05:04 Lecture 76 Back To Redux - Index Action 05:50 Lecture 77 Catching Data with Posts Reducer 06:29 Lecture 78 Catching Data with Posts Reducer Continued 02:38 Lecture 79 Fetching Data with Lifecycle Methods 05:43 Lecture 80 Fetching Data with Lifecycle Methods Continued 06:50 Lecture 81 Creating New Posts 05:23 Lecture 82 Navigation with the Link Component 04:26 Lecture 83 Forms and Form Submission 10:12 Lecture 84 More on Forms and Form Submission 07:37 Lecture 85 Passing Control to Redux Form 07:51 Lecture 86 CreatePost Action Creator 11:21 Lecture 87 Form Validation 08:28 Lecture 88 Form Validation Continued 08:51 Lecture 89 Navigating on Submit 12:37 Lecture 90 Posts Index 04:31 Lecture 91 Dynamic Route Params 07:09 Lecture 92 Loading Data on Render 05:45 Lecture 93 Handling Null Props 05:31 Lecture 94 Delete Action Creator 07:07 Lecture 95 Navigate on Delete 02:25 Lecture 96 ReactRouter and ReduxForm Wrapup 07:02 Section 7: Bonus - RallyCoding Lecture 97 Basics of Redux Thunk 07:16 Lecture 98 Combining Redux and Firebase 12:16 Lecture 99 Dynamic Forms with Redux Form 14:42 Lecture 100 Logicless Components with Reselect 18:08 Lecture 101 Data Loading Methods with Redux 09:29 Lecture 102 Animation of React Components 12:33 Lecture 103 Four Most Common Errors with React and Redux 12:02 Lecture 104 Modals in React and Redux Apps 18:43 Lecture 105 The Best Way to Store Redux Data 15:05 Lecture 106 BrowserHistory in Production 19:46 Lecture 107 Introducing JSPlaygrounds for Rapid Prototyping 12:18 Lecture 108 Deployment of React/Webpack Apps 23:15 Lecture 109 React Integration with Third Party Libraries 18:42 Section 8: More to Come! Lecture 110 Still want more React? Article Lecture 111 React Source Article |
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